We have Financial Consultants (CFO) with many years of experience in various industries. Gain access to the expertise and skills of our executives, reduce costs and increase your profits immediately!
Accounting Support

FAO's Accounting Department offers comprehensive and complete solutions in accounting compliance for individuals and legal entities. We undertake the complete accounting work of any legal or natural person , after planning and study with the client. There is direct and constant contact with the person in charge of each account so as to offer high quality services, scientifically sound and financially beneficial for our client.
Organisation of Accounting Offices
Keeping of accounting books
Accounting Supervision
Payroll/ Labour Relations
Cost accounting
Compilation & Submission of any form of Declaration and Tax
Tax services
Specialized tax experts are involved in the specific problems of the often labyrinthine tax legislation and case law on specific and delicate issues such as VAT, Capital & Income Tax, Tax issues arising from individual sectoral activities and peculiarities.
The FAO answers any tax issue that arises for companies or individuals,
studies how to minimise the tax burden and proposes solutions.
In cooperation with the most prestigious Law Firms, it deals effectively with any tax issues.
Greek Taxation
International taxation
Tax Planning
Tax Audits
VAT & Tax Advice
Appeals to Tax Courts


- Organisation of accounting offices and simplification of accounting systems
- Advisory and Loan Management
- Organisation of budgetary and information systems
- Valuation Studies & Investment Plans
- Economic Studies & Business Plans
- Internal control systems
- Transition to IFRS
- Feasibility Studies (Feasibility Studies)
- Valuation of companies involved in merger or acquisition procedures
- Determination of the Share Value & Exchange Ratio
- Tax and legal advice
- Search for Strategic Partners and Companies to be acquired as well as support and finding a new investor in case of sale of a company
- Preparation of Business Plans in the context of finding alternative sources of funding (venture capital firms, fund management companies, private placements)
- Preparation of business plans in the context of seeking Bank Financing for the implementation of investments in cooperation with other banking organizations
- Seeking Funding through Third Party Equity Participation
- Crisis management
- Administration & Management Services
- Process & Operational Optimization
- Ensuring Operational Efficiency of Systems & Processes
- Negotiation & Approach Advisory Services
- Operational Strategy
Other services
Out-of-court Negotiations
International Tax Planning
Establishment, maintenance and control of companies worldwide
Human Resources Management
Computerized Solutions
Preventive Checks and Opinion
Investment Development programmes
Legal and Tax Support in cooperation with the best Law Firms.
Legal and Tax Support in cooperation with the best Law Firms.
Consulting and Accounting Services to Public Services
Web Construction
Online Promotion and Advertising